Thank you for registering for the BreakThrough 1 Class with Terryann Nikides
Welcome to BreakThrough 1 Online. If this is your first time or you are joining as a monitor please take a few minutes read and review the information below.
**At the end of this page are the three forms which are mandatory to complete in order to participate. Please fill them out and ensure they are sent at least 3 days prior to class start date **
Things you will need:
This course will be taught on Zoom . If you are new to zoom, please test it out with a friend and take some time get familiar with it.
A comfy place to settle in, you want somewhere with minimal distractions. This time is for you! Make the most of it. Having people coming in and out during that time will pull your focus away and can be distracting to the other students as well.
A camera on your computer - The course is interactive and we want to be able to see you all :)
If you are using a tablet or cellphone for your course that's okay too. Please find a way to stabilize it for the duration of the course. It can be distracting for everyone if the camera is jumping around and who wants to hold up a phone that long.
Test your equipement- make sure sound (headphones might be helpful) is working properly, you are in a good wifi spot and the apps you will be using are up to date. (ie Zoom)
Only Terryann will be able to use the Chat box during the course. You will need to be able to see the chat box during the course. This may be difficult on a phone so test it out beforehand.
So you've picked your spot, checked all your equipement and are ready to go. Now what?
Make sure you have all the necessary forms completed. ( see below) You will NOT receive a link for the zoom meeting if the forms are not completed and sent back prior to the start date.
Be comfortable in your spot. Have some snacks and a drink or whatever else you might need or want. This is powerful work and you might find you need more energy and hydration
Pen and paper - if you find you have thoughts or ideas that you want to jot down.
I suggest minimizing your distractions, turn your notifications off on your phone, close any unnecessary windows. This is your healing time and it can be uncomfortable, powerful and life-changing but you need to put in the work.
We will be online on Day 1 30 minutes before class time to welcome you and answer any questions. It is a good time to test your microphone and video and make sure you are set.
We will also show you how to "Raise your Hand" during the course if you have a question or a comment. We will call your name when it is your turn to speak
New Students - You will be mailed a manual after completion of the course. You do not need it for the course. Manuals will be sent as quickly as possible to the address on your registration form.
Some Last Points:
As part of the agreement with the IBA to teach BreakThrough online they will have the meeting invite details as well. They may possibly jump onto a session to see how we are doing. We also may share an audio of the class with them.
If you need an invoice for the class, please just ask.
* Forms you need to complete:
These forms must be completed prior to class. We will be sending you a Zoom link closer to class start time, but only those who have completed the forms below. Please return forms to
Student Waiver (online version)
Audio Recording ( online version)
Participation Waiver (online version)